Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. Isaiah 41:10a
March 13, 2020 Update
Dear Church FamilyMany of you have been following the news and updates regarding the COVID-19 situation.
Here in the state of California, the Department of Public Health has recommended that all large gatherings of 250 and more be postponed or cancelled. Smaller gatherings that do not allow social distancing of six feet per person should be postponed or canceled. Our local Southeastern California Conference is recommending that all churches, regardless of size, postpone their services for the time being. In cooperation, we have decided to hold tomorrow’s (March 14) church service online. Please join us via livestream at our YouTube channel at 11:00 am. No Sabbath School classes will be meeting. Here is a website to interact online with Sabbath School: https://ssnet.org We especially encourage those members who fit the demographic of at-risk people in regards to COVID-19 to stay home. You can advantage of this time to connect with each other and God in meaningful ways. Call friends that you know will miss our weekly fellowship the most. Enjoy Sabbath rest with your Creator. This week's offering will be for Adventist World Radio and we encourage you to give online. We have decided to go ahead and hold the "Revelation of Love" Bible Prophecy seminar with David Machado which begins tonight at 7:00 pm. In cooperation with the guidelines from the State of California, we will implement the following guidelines: 1. All guests will be encouraged to wash hands or hand sanitize as they enter the building. 2. Everyone will be encouraged to not shake hands and keep six feet of distance between each other. 3. There will not be an International Food Festival Saturday night in between the two meetings nor refreshments on the weekends. The "Revelation of Love" meetings will also be live-streamed. To watch the live-stream, you can visit our website http://www.ardenhillssda.org/services.html and click on the YouTube logo which will take you to our live-stream page. You can also click here which will take you straight to our YouTube page. If you are not in the demographic of at-risk people and are able to help, please come to the church at 5:00 pm tonight to be of assistance. However, be aware that with the directive of social distancing of 6 feet, there may not be room in the sanctuary or fellowship hall to listen to the presentations. Let's remember that God is our refuge and strength, an ever present in trouble. And please, please, like never before, pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit on these meetings. We live in challenging times but this is also a unique opportunity to share the gospel. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Blessings, Pastor Jeff Harper |